Seeking Compassionate Individuals

Join Us in Helping Our Neighbors in Need

There are many ways to get involved in $mall¢hange4BIG's efforts to help the most vulnerable in our community:

  • Donate or participate in our ongoing fundraisers
  • Volunteer at an event or with our ongoing projects including the Homeless Resource Fair in Jackson each Spring
  • Come to a monthly meeting (normally second Tuesday of each month at 5pm at Rosebud's Cafe in Jackson, but check our home page for updates to meeting schedule)
  • Spread the word about our organization by telling your friends and family or hosting a house party
  • Follow us on Facebook and share our posts
  • Contact us about your special skills, let's see how you can help!

Upcoming Events

Please join us in supporting the most vulnerable in our community.
Monthly Meetings
March 11 at 5pm

You can make a difference! Bring your energy, skills and ideas to our monthly meeting and help us expand our work to assist the unhoused in our community.

Earth Day Run/Walk
April 19, 2025 in Sutter Creek

$mall¢hange4BIG is proud to be a recipient of proceeds from this year's Amador County Earth Day 5k. Please join us for a fun event….whether you want to run the race or just walk and enjoy the scenery!

Homeless Resource Fair
May 18-19, 2025 at Detert Park in Jackson

Planning is underway for this two-day event providing resources to the unhoused in our community. Donations, volunteers and sponsorships are needed. Please contact us for more information.

$mall¢hange4BIG made a BIG impact on both our lives, helping us to feel less alone on our journey with homelessness.

— Jordan, a single mother